Sunlight is made up of photons. Photons contain various amounts of energy, corresponding to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. So, when Photons strike a Solar PV Cell (a semiconductor), they get reflected or absorbed or pass through. The absorbed photon’s energy when knock an electron in an atom of PV cell it frees the electron from atom, thus generating a flow of electricity. This way Solar PV Module convert sun’s energy into direct current (DC). But As most homes and business run on alternating current, So, the DC current is then passed through an Inverter to convert it into usable AC current. At that point, you either use the electricity in your house or send it back to the electric grid.
NOTE: Solar systems should be sized to not exceed the load demand during the day. If solar power being generated exceeds consumption at that point in time, wastage can be avoided by storing the excess power.
PV energy more than connected load
EB GRID not Required
Battery not fully charged
When energy produced by the solar system is greater than the connected load, the excess energy is used to charge the batteries. The grid is not used in this case.
PV energy less than connected load
EB GRID power available
Battery not fully charged
When energy produced by the solar system is less than the connected load, both grid & solar system power the load and charge the batteries.
PV energy less than connected load
EB GRID power available
Battery fully charged
When energy produced by the solar system is less than the connected load and the batteries are fully charged, both grid & solar system power the load, keeping solar as a priority.
PV energy less than connected load
EB GRID power not available
Battery charged
During a day time power cut, batteries & solar system are used to power the load, keeping solar system as a priority.
PV energy not available. EB GRID power not available.Battery charged and works purely as an inverter. Supply directly proportionate to battery charge.
During a night time power cut, batteries are the only source to power the load.