When we sold our first solar Module 6 years ago I knew this business was going to be different. Not only were the challenges unique but there was something else, something that I hadn’t considered
We are not just installing energy saving products we are also helping build India’s energy future
Over the last several years I have seen solar technology and innovation grow at an incredible rate. NEOSOL has grown along with those advances and I am proud to say that we have led the solar industry as the number on solar company in India for the last Six years.
Solar is no longer just for the wealthy and the return on a solar investment is now measured in years rather than decades. Solar has become is an essential part of India’s energy future and Neosol’s expertise allows us to offer products and services that has no rival in the home improvement industry.
But the challenges we face as a company are reflected in the challenges we now face as a nation. It is no longer acceptable to sell our children’s future away with non-renewable fossil fuels when viable and proven technologies are readily available.
I am very proud of what Neosol has accomplished as a company. But even more so how the hundreds of people who are Neosol rise to each day’s new challenges to not only improve our customers experience but to also be a beacon of hope for all of us who believe in renewable energy.
Our immediate future is truly in all our hands and what we do next will determine earth’s future.